












Niels Munk Plum (1992, Sønderborg DK) Lives and works between Copenhagen and Oslo. 

He works with staging the body and language in a performance-based discourse where the aim is to queer the self from the use of already existing logic.



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Niels Munk Plum’s practice stages situations that delegate actions and pose questions for building new narratives. His works host and accommodate the viewer, using the exhibition space as a vehicle to meditate on perception and autonomy.

Rooted in looping as a performance-based research, Plum’s practice activates the present moment and context, using scrambling to cut ideas apart and glue them together anew. 

Emphasizing horizontalization, his process becomes the work itself, actively engaging color and symbols in dialogue with space, time, and our bodies. The aim is to briefly dismantle power structures and hierarchies through an open, layered program.

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shows :

LOOMING/LOOPING w Damien Ajavon, Curated by Håkon Lillegraven and Jari Malta at Collega, Copenhagen DK

AHC BARx Niels Munk Plum, Thoravej 29, Copenhagen DK

Praksis Oslo Residency 29 “For Real!?” w. Harold Offeh, Oslo NO

LOOMING/LOOPING w Damien Ajavon, Curated by Håkon Lillegraven at BO, Oslo NO

AHC Free Lunch series ~ Niels Munk Plum in conversation w Håkon Lillegraven & Benedikte Bjerre, Copenhagen DK

Art Hub Copenhagen Residency Fall 2024

Resident at the Studio Programme at Fabrikken, Copenhagen DK

GREEN performance at ”Prolonged Exposure” by Karin Hald, Rundetaarn, KBH, DK


Initiator of SPIRAL PRAKSIS w Sigrid Lerche at Christianshavns Beboerhus, Copenhagen DK

Work relocation to San Francisco, April-September, California US

RIGID ROOM a part of "Konstväxlingar" at Odenplan Metro Station, Stockholm SE

A NEW LOOP 6 / "Where am I? Prints 1985-1922" by Carrol Dunham at The National Museum in Oslo NO

SEJE SOPA with LARS, Lisboa PT

() NEW LOOP () w Oda Bjørnholm & Sebastian Biong / "Jeg kaller det kunst" at The National Museum in Oslo NO

"The Space & Its Double" / A part of pile by Jessica Williams & Hverdag Books, NO


DURA VIDA "The Annual Exhibition 2022" at Malmö Art Academy, Malmö SE

UDSTILLING 08 Lyser Grønt Igen, Igen w. Anna Sofie Mathiasen at Springbrættet 6a, Copenhagen DK

RIGID ROOM  MFA Graduation Exhibition at KHM2, Konsthögskolan i Malmö SE

"222" at Ergi presents... at BOA, Oslo, NO

Defunding The Artist Who Broke Our Heart Collaborative Show at Studio 17, Stavanger NO

Old News Group Show at Celsius Projects, Malmö, SE

Performing SAY at "Warm Little Pond" w. Salon 75 at JUXTAPOSE Art Fair, Aarhus DK

SPELLING / "Annual Year Exhibition 2021" Malmö Art Academy SE

LASSOO performance at "No Set No Rise" Groupshow at Galleri Q, Copenhagen DK

MEADOW in "Touching 2022", interactive online group exhibition, Oslo/Sthlm/Cph

Actor in THE RADICAL FLU - a radio play with Rose Hammer at Oslo Bienalen, Oslo NO

SPONTAN RELIEF at Atelier 2, Kunstnernes Hus, Solo exhibition/performance, Oslo NO

HORIZONS in "Atelierportrætter" by the FKDS-stipends at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo NO

PERLER, group exhibition curated by Mette Frandsen as a part of Copenhagen Photo Festival, Copenhagen DK

Actor in Grini and the futures of Norway with Rose Hammer at Oslo Bienalen 2019, Oslo NO

FLOW CHALLENGE for "In Your Court" at Jennifer Artspace, Gothenburg SE

TWO SPACES a part of "Kunstakademiets Bachelorutstilling 2019" at Ila Pensjonat, Oslo NO

3 COLOURS as a part of "Det Ikke Styrte" formidlingsseminar at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo NO

3 COLOURS as a part of Destiny's Gratinée at Kunstnernes Hus, performance, Oslo NO

The ongoing is really going on at KHIO, curated exhibition and performance programme, Oslo NO

Cut it in Two Halves at "After School Special", Kunsthall Bergen, performance, Bergen NO

I Breeze into the Next Minute at KHIO, collab exhibition w Zishi Han , Oslo NO

GARDEN STAGE at "Every Breath You Take", Salzburg Summer Academy, Performance, Salzburg AT

Guided Mirabell Tour Livestream between Salzburg & Oslo, Bingo Night @ Ingensteds, NO/AT

EPIC_SURFACE at Vigelands Museet, Piknik i Parken, Installation, Oslo NO

Conversation Piece at "Sensing Time, Rhythms & Ephemerailties"  at Kunstnernes Hus, Group show, Performance, Oslo NO

DESIRE OBJECT at "Futura Classics A/S" at Galleri Seilduken, Group show, Installation, Oslo NO

Reading in CPH READS program by Forlaget Cris & Guldmann, Mads Nørgaard Copenhagen DK

DAWN_OF_DAY at Belas Artes Ulisboa, Installation/performance, Lisbon PT

"Get serious!" at P0 Gallery, Group Show, reading, Oslo NO

RAINBOW_SNAKE at "Sexy Bydel" performance, Oslo NO

DESIRE PATH at the opening of KHIO 2017/18, performance, Oslo NO

Mail Art Exhibition at Galleri Kvit, Curated Group Show, zine, Copenhagen DK

LEMONADE at Romlab, KHIO, Solo Show/Performance, Oslo NO

Kvit 1 år! at Galleri Kvit, Group Exhibition, photographs, Copenhagen DK

Sex with Me so Amazing at Galleri Seilduken, Group Exhibition, installation, Oslo NO

Rotløs one-night-stand at Los, Group Show, photographs, Copenhagen DK

Kvit Opening Exhibition – Group Exhibition, photography, Copenhagen DK

Fatamorganas Vinterudstilling – Group Exhibition, photography/text, Copenhagen DK

 i midten af en tid – Group Show, Copenhagen DK

What a Wonderful World – Censored Group Exhibition, Nees, DK

Fatamorganas Sommerudstilling 2014 – Group Show, Copenhagen DK

 jeg har altså en udstilling – Group Show, photography, Copenhagen DK

Fatamorganas Vinterudstilling 2014 – Group Exhibition, Copenhagen DK

November – Group Show, Copenhagen DK

Artgoing Projects 2013 – Group Exhibition, Flensburg DE

BGKs Afgangsudstilling 2013 – Group Exhibition, installation/photography, Sønderborg DK



EASY FORM HARDhandheld companion the exhibition at REDAN Galleri, Malmö SE

Unfix A Word A Work A World in The Yearbook 21/22, Malmö Art Academy, SE

The Space & Its Double a collab w Jessica Williams, Hverdag Books at Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo NO

The NEW LOOP T-shirt made in collab with KARMAKLUBB

The HORSE sweater as a part of the SOUVENIR collection in collab w 10/10

Mellanspel, Konsthögskolan i Malmö SE

Trappe Tusind #16, photographs, Copenhagen DK

"Myths of the Marble" in HATE ON ME zine launched w RCPP at HKW, play, Berlin DE
"Den Smukke Hest" in Københavnske Istidende, text, Copenhagen DK


MFA / Malmö Art Academy (SE)

BFA / Oslo National Academy of the Arts (NO)

MATERIAL?! w Yorgos Sapountzis / Summer Academy Salzburg (AT)

Arte Multimedia  / Erasmus at Belas Artes Ulisboa (PT)

Creative Writing Course / Gladiatorskolen (DK)

Graphic Novel Workshop w Halfdan Pisket / Gladiators Sommerstævne at Krabbesholm (DK)

Fatamorgana - The Danish School of Art Photography (DK) x

BGK – Sønderjyllands Kunstskole (DK)

grants & residencies:

Stipend for International Artist Exchange, Oslo Municipality

Production and Exhibition Support to “LOOMING/LOOPING” from The Danish Arts Council

Project support for “LOOMING/LOOPING” w Damien Ajavon & Håkon Traaseth Lillegraven, Kulturrådet NO

Production and Exhibition Support to ““LOOMING/LOOPING” from The Danish Arts Council

Diversestipendiet for Nyutdannede Kunstnere 2022, Kulturrådet

FKDS one-year Artists Studio Program at Kunstnernes Hus 19/20

Sydbanks Store Rejselegat 2012, Sønderborg Statsskole



everything on this website is made by me

hence: all rights reserved © niels munk plum